Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back Home

Anime Boston was AMAZING!!! I had so much fun along with my friends and fellow cosplayers! And I have wonderful memories left from that exciting experience! I cannot wait to go next year!!! EEEEEEEE!!! *flails arms and runs around in circles* Did i mention i spent about 300 dollars on merchandise and art??? ^^' Yeah, I know, I kind of gone over board. But common! It was my first convention, gimmie a break dammit!!! What did I get dare you ask? I got an Akatsuki Cloak, a Deidara 'Art is a Bang' T-shirt, about 11 pins (one for my friend, two of them were for free!!!), a clip on tag that has Nekozawa on it, a Deidara Key-chain, Seshomaru Key-chain, 4 hats (three for my friends who could not make it and one for my sister), 3 manga books (which have not even come out in stores yet!), HikaruXKauru picture (mom's still a little freaked about it XDDDDD), a wallet-sized Hinata Picture for my sister, a Chibi Sasori, Deidara, and Itachi picture, and I think thats it. I kno, spending about 300 dollars on such little stuff. Stuff is expensive there! Get off my back!!!! *spazzes* Well, anyway, I had a brilliant time, and I recomend you to go to an Anime Convention near you. Its a wonderful experience and you will enjoy it muchies!!! ^^
I would tell you what happend there, but I have to write down stuff fast, I need to work on a fundies project that was suppose to be due today ^^' Lay off, I'm lazy, aight?

Onward. It was Memorial Day yesterday, and since i was in the band, I had to march in the parade. Everything was fine and hunkydory in the begining, but when we had to stand there in the blistering sun listening to people give hour long speaches while wearing winter-think jumpsuits, yeah, fun disapears. Because of that, I fainted. ^^' I'm fine, but I do not know why. Shaddup people who said- Oh, wait, brb.

Okay, sorry about that, my sister wanted to borrow the 6th book of Fruba, but it is unreachable in my bookcase right now.....

Anyway: Shaddup people who said "the blistering heat got to you, dumbass!", because I drank a lot of fluids before I left and I had a good breakfast. I also had a pretty good nights sleep, so I do not think that was the reason to either. If you can tell me whats up, I would be very greatful, because I am really not in the mood to go to the doctors any time soon >.> <.< >,< I will tell you how it happend if it will be more helpful.
I was standing in formantion listening to the people talking and my back started to ache. It hurt pretty bad so I started switching my weight from foot to foot, which honestly did not help. I began to feel naushus (sp?) so i tried deep breathing to call me down. Then there was the ringing in my ears and my head which, for me, is a sign that I am going to upchuck my last 2 or 3 meals. I really did not want to make a scene and throw up on the girl infront of me, so i tried my best to stay calm. The funny thing is, my stomach was churning, but it was only out of nerves, it was not the usual feeling of me about to throw up. Then the outskirts of my vision started going black and it slowly went towards the center. i tried blinking to get my vision back and it worked some, but it decreased little by little everytime. Slowed it down though!!! Then my body felt really heavy and i tried steading myself, but my two feet could not hold me up at all. I kept wobbling and losing balance, but I really did not want to fall down infront of hundreds of people. My vision then went compleatly back and i could feel my eyes open and feel everything around my body, but I could not see anything around me. From what my friend told me, my mom and the head of the music association grabed me and rushed me to where the coolers are. I remember hearing my mom say "sweety, are you okay?" and I felt somebody grab me, but I was not sure what was going on. I could feel people staring at me, but thankfully I could not see them. It would have made me more sick if I did. By the time the leader of the music association and my mom got me to the coolers, I was regaining my vision a little bit. They sat me down and began dumping water down my throat. When my vision was fully regained, I noticed another girl with me who was not feeling to good as well, and about 5 other girls came over after me. And get this, they decide to pass out the water bottles AFTER 6 or 7 girls (includeing me) have pretty much passed out due to heat and move us out of the sun into the shade. Gawsh, you would think they would get the idea after the 3 person fainted!!! But anyway, yeah, I know i may sound stupid for worrying, but I cannot help it. I have been having 'black-outs' when I have been getting up and out of bed in the morning, too. And for some reason my body feels weaker and I get more and more tired when I get home, I even feel a little lightheaded during the day but only on rare occasions. Is that.... normal? Yeah, if you know whats up, could you please tell me? I really do not want to go to the doctor to get checked up *shivers* I hate the smell of the doctors, CREEEPPYYY!

Well, that was basically all of my fun, and look, its about my shower time, and i still have not gotten a single thing done for this dumbass essay I have to work on *slams head on keyboard* Grrrr... She seriously did not tell me how to do this peice of shit. I want to make her forget the assingment completely so I do not have to do it, but we all cannot get what we want, can we?

OH! And again, before I go... *sigh* Lets talk about love.
I'm not usually a big fan about talking about relationships, but this is making me stressed and I need to let it out some how.
Alright, there was this boy I have been crushing on for about a year or so and he knows about me liking him (we'll name him #A!!!). #A did not really seem to care about it, that is, untill he became best friends with my EX bestfriend. She has been spreading shit about me and my other friend because we tolled her that we cannot put up with her shit anymore and we tried talking to her about it but she just avioded it and kept doing it anyway (Lets call her BS >:D Nah, Jk, #C) So yeah, she became besties with him, and he started to, well, distance himself from me. His aura was sort of.... angry? Mad? Sad? I cannot really describe it, but it was really negative, and he avioded talking to me. So I got mad and decided to get over him, and desite how much it hurt, half of me got over him. I still think about #A every once and a while and sort of missed talking to him. But then, my guy friend (#B!!!! XDDD) and I have been getting closer.... and I sort of got this feeling that he likes me, but its topsie turvy, yah know? And I sort of got thins feeling for him too.... I noticed that I have been talking about him a lot and thinking about him often, but I do not know if I'm really happy about us being friends or... well.... likeing him. I pictured us kissing a few times, and I kind of gotten a little grossed by it. But when we hung out and he is being really sweet, I can't help but blush. Then another one of my guy friends (#D) sort of admited of haeing a crush on me, which was pretty much as obvious as the eye can see. I had a feeling that he was going to ask me out, but I did not know that it was going to happen around now! I turned him down and thankfully me and #D are still friends!!! ^^ Now, #C found out about me being friends with #B, and shes been trying to talk to him lately, which is REALLY pissing me off! He tried ignoreing her at first, but then I caught him taking a small conversation to her and smileing. He does not know about the fight me and #C had, and i hope that #C doesnt fill hi head with crap like she did to #A. But the weird thing is, walking home today (yes, he's my neighbor, shaddup) he started tlaking to me like he normally did and smiled at me like he used to. This causing me to think 'WTFHSOAB?!' Seriously, I don't know if he's toying with my emotions or if he is having trouble figureing out about his feelings (not saying that he has any), or if he is PMSing and needs something to put it on, or changed his mind about me. Omfg, IDK!!! But seriously, I'm thinking about being mean to him back and see how he will react. Maybe we can actually talk to each other and sort things out for friggin once!! I just want to get this over with and know how he feels about me! IM SICK OF THIS GUESSING GAME!!! And seriously, if #C starts doing more shit (theres a list of rumors and things that see has done to me since the fight, and she is blaming everything on me!) I'm just going to sock her in the face at that time and not give a shit about what other people say. IM SICK OF THE CRAP SHE IS PUTTING ME THROUGH!!! Oh, also, you guys know I'm bisexual, right? If you don't, you do now!! Well, I have also been noticeing I have been haveing a crush on my best girl friend (#E), and I dont want to ruin our friendship about it, (she is also Bi btw) We have kissed b4, but it was just for the hell of it and shit. Not to mention she has a BF right now. But yeah, how do i stop likeing her like that? I dont want to ruin our already wonderful friendship!!!! WAHHHHH!! *sobs* Gahh, thankies for listening very much, I feel a lot better now.
If you forgot who is who, heres the DL:
#A: Year long crush; being a jackass to me

#B: Best guy friend; Unsure feelings about him

#C: EX bestfriends; took #A away from me and possible gave him false info about me; trying to take away #B as well; has spread rumours about me; likes to talk about sex..... a lot; has bf but is sort of cheating (she is also bi) and likes to talk about how guys flock around her *anime vein*

#D: One of my best guy friends; has a crush on me

#E: Best gurlfriend; me has unsure feelings and might have a crush on her; also bi.

There! Now, I know thing may sound soap-operah-e, but wth? Life is like a friggin soap operah and it SUCKS! Thankies again fro listening, well, reading, and i just missed 37 minutes of my shower time ^^ Oh well!

Gtg, TTFN!



  1. That convention sounds awesome! Did you cosplay as anyone O.O?

    I have the same problem!! My docor said it's because I have a really low blood pressure ^^;

    #C seems like a real_______(insert cuss word of choice here)If I were you, I would go with #D since #E has a boyfriend >.< but #B seems like a good choice too ^.-

  2. Watching,

    I went as Light Yagami!! ^^ I might post pictures of the convetion on here later, but i need to fix up my camera first ^^' I'm thinking about going again next year, only as Deidara or someone.....

    One of my other friends, who has the same problem as we do, said the same thing. Maybe I really should get tested. But my doctor hasn't mentioned it at my last check-up..... Gahhh, I don't feel like thinking right now.

    Yes, yes she is. But #C is a lot worse in real life. TRUST. ME. And #D..... yeah, lets just say he bounced back fast and got a GF the next day. Besides, he's a really good friend of mine and i cannot think of him as my boyfriend. Its just so...... Its like dating a brother, lets just put it like that. #E, yeah, even if she was single i wouldn't ask her out because I love the friendship that we have right now and I do not want to change it. Same sorta goes to #B.....
