Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Pledge

I cannot breathe. My heart is failing. I feel like I am falling. The pain is consuming me like nothing you can imagine. Tears are burning my cheeks while running away from my fearful eyes. I cannot take this. This feels like death. This pain is going to the point where I feel nothing, see nothing, hear nothing. Nothing but the darkness and the suffering pumping through my blood, slowly making its way towards my chest. Soon, ill be just what i am, i will be nothing.

I hate crying, but its hard for me to not let the moisture leak out of my eyes. I cant live without them. I WONT live without them. I love them s dearly, and i cant stand the fact that they might be taken away from me. I'M LOSING MY MIND.

I have gone to the point where i was emotionless. I cant take living and watching them suffering. I would do anything to take it away and let them be well again. To be honest, i would take their places. My life is worthless without them. Worthless.

If your thinking that I am going to commit suicide, no, I am not. I will not let them live alone while their in pain. I will do anything to make them happy and get them through this, i will! Nothing will stop me from taking care of them! I will protect them with my live. I will not just sit here and wait for them to be better. I will find a way to make them better even if it kills me. I barely care about my well being anymore. All i care about is theirs. I cant live without them.

I love them.

I oath to devote myself to help them and be at their service whenever needed. I will do any deeds they want me to do no matter how small or large. I will protect them with my live, their lives are more important to mine. I vow to keep them from harm and destroy the darkness that has begun to take them down. I will safe them.

No matter what.

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