Saturday, May 9, 2009


Wheew! I finally remembered to get an account on! My friend told me i should join and that it was amazing, so yesterday, i finally remembered and did it! ^^

Damn, today was another boring day, *yawns* I really hope i finish these two projects in time. Im starting to understand how Max feels about the voice in her head!!! Buh-jeez-wus! Mine wont STFHU! *bangs head on keyboard* Then again, mine is more of a conscience while hers tells her how to save the world...... But i have conversations with mine too! We even talk about the weather! ^^ And no, i am not crazy, i just like talking to myself and the voice in my head. He makes good company, too! :D

Holy shnitzu tails my head hurts. And for some reason i smell apple cobbler......

dont you just hate it when you have a song that you ultimately dispise and reject with your whole entire being STUCK. IN. YOUR. HEAD?! I have "Right Round" stuck in mine, i like the old version a hell-of-a-lot better!!!! No offense to you people who like this song, of course. Im just stating an opinion.


Its 11:29, do you know where your radio-active gerbal is?
I guessed not.

Bongo's are still beating in my headdd!!!!! MEEEP! >.<

Now im craving jelly-waffles.......
Dont judge me.

OKAY. Now. I think i really should go to bed now, since im kinda wasteing your time with writeing random shit down..... Yeah.

Ta Ta For Now


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