Friday, May 29, 2009

Yay, Here Comes the Reality Flash

Glarg, I have so much work to do, and its hitting me like a fighter jet going 200 mph (I dont care if its realistic or not, I'm just expressing how much shit I am in) But I will try my hardest to work all weekend...... *crickets*....... Yeah, NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!! *splurts confetti*

Today was a very interesting day, and thats saying something. You see, this is coming from a gurl who goes to a school with the strangest of people. Seriously, you hear Senior's singing on the top of their lungs while walking outside the classroom. Not to mention we get to hug our teachers! Hey, I may sound like a complete and utter teachers pet to you guys, but hell, teachers at the school I go to are awesome. My math teacher, I swear, he's AMAZING! He swears, but rarely, and is like, one of the most hyper-active teachers I have! (trust me, there are a few here) Plus he talks about the outside world and lets us talk about what we did over the weekend at the begining of class. He says he's our (me and my fellow classmates) 'math waitor'. When he serves us our equations and it tastes a little funny (we dont understand what the hell he is saying) he takes it back and gives us the same meal only made differently (he gives us a complete different perspective of the equation and gets more in depth). He is the reason I love math completely now and the reason why I am actually at the top of my class ^^!! Plus, he likes to put us in the examples of the equations every once in a while.... *laughs at fond memories* I will tell more another day, but right now I am rambleing and going completely off topic.
So yeah, I have to say I like my school even though it gives me so much shit to work with. But thankfully the teachers actually help you and look at things differently. My gawsh, back in middle school, if I asked a teacher a question, they're like : 'WTFH? Are you a complete and utter dipshit?!' When in the High School the teachers dont heisitate to help and are really happy if people ask questions. Plus, my teachers know I'm completely A.D.D. and not good at remembering shit to save my ass and know that I like to figure stuff out on my own, so if they see that I'm stuck, they give me a little push or a hint and it helps me get my brain into play.

I'm officially going to Anime Boston next year. My friends and I are possibley going for all three days, and we're already planning it out right now!! I know, ubber early, but you cannot be to careful!!! If anybody is going next year or went this year, tell meeeeeee!!!! *flails arms*

OH! I forgot to tell you about yesterday! OH MEH GAWSH so funny~! I suck at explaining things, but I am going to try as best as i can!!! I'll do it in story form so it will be easier! ^^
+ I flipped through my reading book looking for my lost page. I was not paying attention to the sudden gasps and the comments such as "what the hell is going on over there?". Rustleing of feet made to the windows and I finally gave up at reading my book. I looked up to see about 2/3 of the class, includeing the teacher, staring out the windows with amused looks on their faces. My friend, who was sitting behind me, looked up from the Vampire Knight manga she borrowed from me and gave everyone a weird look while giving a bookmark the task of holding her place in the book. We both got up from our desks and walked over to the window to see what the hell was going on. In the parking lot at the front of the school, there was what looks to be a model of a red car without tires. It had a pole sticking through it and was held up by some-thing that holds a boat and you can hook it up to your car and drive it around (I cannot remember to term for it). Inside to model was a family of dummies buckled up and ready for anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Juniors and Seniors were surrounding the model with some guys in black clothing lecturing them. Then, it all added up in my head. Tonight was prom, Juniors and Seniors called out of class for a 'assembly'. Yeah, it was plain obvious that they were being tolled the consiquences about drinking and driving. Why the weird car model thing thats able to rotate in mid air? We'll get to that in a moment. I hugged my friend from behind as I watched the lecturerer with up-most curriousity. My friend did not mind since we hug, like, 24/7, and watched him along with me. There were mummurs among my fellow classmates wondering what the people were about to do. The man giving the lecture, along with one of his pals, finished setting up and pressed some button, causing the car to spin around. We all jokinly oooohed and ahhhhed. Wow, a rotating car. Whoop-dee-friggin-doo. After the man gave his long and boring speech, he stoped the model and he, along with a few of his buddies, proceded to open the car and un buckle the dummies seat-belts.
"God, they never seem to quit," My friend said. What she meant was basically the fact that adults love to just engrave the fact that you have to always buckle your seatbelts no matter what. We got it the first 4 or 5 times! There is no need to go to 400!! Not to mention, if adults keep on saying this, we kids being rebellious as we are will do the exact opposite just to piss them off.
I nodded agrivated and a few of my other friends made agree able comments to my friends statement. Our heads shot back to the show and we watched as the guys slammed the car doors and pressed the on button. As soom as the car started rotateing, one of the dummies decided to go ass-firt out the window, its legs flailing like crazy. Of course, we all laughed, but one of the students said that 'there was nothing funny about a situation like that".
"Yeah, I agree," I stated, turning towards the protester. "It is a very serious matter, but they're just dummies! And since they are, I find this hilarious!" A few students agreed and high-fived me and we continued to watch the poor dummie slip out of the window. In the end, the poor passenger flopped to the ground, along with a baby dummie that just shot out of the window and landed between two tires of the thing that was holding the model.
"Bye Bye baby!!" One of my guyfriends hollered, and we all laughed along. Yeah, we must sound really murderious right now, huh? Well, we wouldn't be acting like this if they were real. Well, at least not me....
We watched as the driver dummie slipped out of its window head first and he got out to the point were every rotation it slammed its head on the ground, thus making us laugh even harder, and our teacher was chuckling along with us as well. Wow, immaturity rocks. The boys finally stopped the rotating car and we all clapped and cheered for their proformance. The teacher then finally told us to sit back down and continue our studing+

Crappy ending I know, but I cannot think of an ending right now. I sort of feel bad for laughing, I mean its a serious subject, but it was seriously funny as hell. I could have sworn I saw a few Seniors trying to hold back giggles!!

Well, I think I should get going now, I need my rest so I can get all my worries out of the way tomarrow! *waves*



1 comment:

  1. That sounds like such a cool school...haha that rhymes ^^ I wish my teachers were that nice >.<

    :O is it called a boat trailor?
