Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rules and Conventions

I've Officailly decided to ONLY post blogs on THIS SITE! >.< !!!! Nobody appreciates my way of speech *growls* GAWD! D:< *sigh* oh well! But DAMN them for deleting my post because it had ONE swear in it! GAWSHHH!!!!!! *attacks people* Gahh fuck it.

[Enough ranting and being snotty]

YAYYYYYYYYYY! SIX MORE DAYS!!! Anime Convention time!!!!! Ima gonna dress up as Lightkunnnn!!! and the day before I'm gonna dress up as Deidara at school. (well, sort of) I'M SO FRIGGIN EXCITED!!!!!!!! I seriously am spazzing out BIG TIME! *flails arms and runs around in circles* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *flaps arms and starts flying*

Sorry that this post is so short, I don't really have any life changing news today, but i really needed to update since i haven't been online in a while. ^^'

I'm making a list of rules. Ya know, like Gibbs rules? Ya know Gibbs? From NCIS??? Blahhh, I don't feel like explaining.
Well, I'm making my own rules, about 100 of them ^^
So far I'm up to Sixty-somthin'-or-other.
And knowing me, I'm gonna probably finish in a month XDDDD oh well!!!

So, yeah, anyway I'll try to update again soon.


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