Friday, May 29, 2009

*Nervous laugh*

Well, so much for going to bed early ^^' I finally found a site that made playlists and has good music. Sadly, they did not have that my Japanese music *emo corner* ohhh well! At least they have some! SOME is better than NONE! ^^

Okayyysss, seriously, I feel like a totally dipshit. Even so, I must come out and say it. Okay..... Blogger has officailly confused me. My very first one I did not have friends on it because I set it on private and used it basically like a diary. Later on I forgot my password and just stoped going on. When I got my second one, on the third day it logged me out and would not let me sign back in, thus is how I got here! *jumps up and down squeling* But sadly, I do not know how to do the most common of things. For example: watching or 'following' people. How do you do that? Plus, why do they call it 'followers' anyway? It sounds so...... stalkerish! I do not want to freak out somebody saying 'Hey, can i follow you?', they might think I am some sycopathic rapist of some sort! *flails arms* And commenting. On here, its not as simple as facebook, gaia, or myspace. How do you comment on here? I really feel like a complete and utter idiot, but I need to know.

I addeded pictures and a poll along with my music playlist thingy. I feel like theres something missing in my lovely new home. Any idea's????
Oh, and I am still working on the lists, might take a while do to my ADD and endless mountain of homework.

Holy crap, its 2 in the morning! *sarcastic dramatic cry* Yeah, looks like I can not go to that GS thing tomarrow XDDDD Oh yeah, did i mention I'm a girl scout? XDDDD Okay, you can stop staring at the computer screen in utter shock. And get that 'Omg, is she on drugs???' though out of your head. Im telling the truth. I know, a swearing badass girlscout *rollsonfloorlaughing* I am actually thinking of quiting to be honest. The girls in my troup are pushing me away and I am actually completely and utterly fine with it. They did not think of me as a friend anyway. I was just there.....

SO yeah, lil' blurb, now i gtg




  1. can change it to something different instead of "followers" someone did minions..hee hee yeah but I don't know how :( I'm sorry

    but to follow a blog you sign in then go all the way up to the top and on the left it will say "follow blog" then you click on it^^

    OH and I like your picture slide shows ^^ they're super cute... I've read all of them :D

  2. Hey! This is my first time to read your blog. I too like the pics. Lol. I don't get a lot of blogger too so don't feel idiotic.

  3. haha I used to be a girl scout... I sucked at it and I quit cuz we only went camping 2 in the 3 years I was a gs..... Cute pictures.... >0< Wonderful blog!!!
