Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yeah, I went home sick again. No, I am not skipping, and yes, I am in chronic pain! God, I thought that a leopleridon was about to tear open my stomach and was going to tell me where candy mountain is!! SERIOUSLY! I was this close to screaming on the top of my lungs in the middle of class. I thankfully did not, though. And if i did, people might have thought my pancreas was going to explode or think that I have officially fell off my rocker. I reeaaalllyyy hope this sort of pain dissapears by tommarrow, because I have gym and if i still have the pains, i might go home early again. I cannot bother my parents again.

Today I pretty much did nothing proactive at all, except for practicing my flute when I got home *you hear people gasping and 'WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!'* I know, right?! I barely-ever practice my flute!! 1. Because I'm a lazy ass and 2. I dont really have the time or patience. I think i actually did pretty good for practiceing! ^^ But enough about my day, stuff about me is pretty boring.

I'm still working on the lists, if you have any ideas, please, share! ^^ Thankies

I actually got an idea for a story! Not a Fanfic or anything, and ACTUAL story. But guess what its about? Faries. There's barely any fairy stories out there, and when people make stories about them, their either preppy and girly so much that they're increaseing the o-zone layer, or they're so kiddy and childish like the faires group-thing with Tinkerbell in it (no offense to people who like it). So I am making my own story.
I'm sort-of thinking about a ghost story and vampires and werewolfs and all-that-jazz. [If you have not noticed, I am a paranormal/fantasy freak.] I am also working on (of course) a Fanfic for one of my favorite anime shows, you'll find out what it is in time. For now, I am just going to leave it at that.

Okay, I really need to cool it. Even though its my first Anime Convention I have to be calm, focused and calm....... ahhhh fuck it. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Okay, enough of the excitementness.

Wow, its wayyyy past my shower time, and i think i still need to work on some stuff for school, so I'll leave for now. But before I go, I think I am going to add a music playlist to meh blog, yah kno, to spice it up a bit

Thank you for reading




  1. :O no way!! where's it? the convention...cause there's one in san diego on *thinks* june 2-5 but I can't go *throws computer at wall* >.< because my sister is having a friend over, so my parents can't drive me the thirteen hours it takes to get there pooie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry I lied...It's in July ^^
